Friday, December 6, 2019

Gift Pick: Your Astrological Cookbook

Your Astrological Cookbook
has the perfect recipe for every sign!

Author Catherine Urban walks readers through every sign’s makeup and explains how to cook for both element (qualities of the sign) and modality (the pace of the sign). 

For example, earth sign Taurus loves grounded, simple, solid recipes it can trust, and it is a fixed sign, so it understands patience (read: fire up the slow cooker). 

Or, air sign Gemini is game to try new things, and, as a mutable sign, they take life as it comes and can adapt to creative cuisine.

The book then breaks down 200+ recipes across astrological signs. In Virgo: The Logical Chef, you’ll find recipes like Fig, Apricot and Almond Granola, that cater to Virgos’ value of simple elegance; in Taurus: The Smooth Chef, decadence abounds, and you’ll find recipes like Potatoes au Gratin and Grilled Broccoli Rabe and Alfredo Risotto.

Read this book to cook for your sign, or even throw an astrological dinner party and cater a dish to every guest!

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