Friday, June 8, 2018

Time to Voke Up

The afternoon slump is real and it isn't just you.  According to WebMD's sleep expert, Michael J. Breus, PhD, that midday sleepiness is like a miniature version of the drowsiness you feel just before bedtime. "It has to do with a dip in your core body temperature," Breus says. "Right before you go to sleep at night, your core temperature begins to drop, which is a signal to the brain to release melatonin. The exact same thing happens on a smaller scale between 2 and 4 in the afternoon. It's a mini-signal to your brain to get sleepy."

I love these and it def helps in the afternoons instead of drinking a ton of coffee or eating snacks. 

We could all use a quick pick-me-up in the afternoon, before a big corporate presentation or after a long flight, but coffee is not always the answer.  Neither are energy drinks filled with chemicals and ingredients you’ve never heard of.  The answer is all-natural Voke®.  

These energizing tabs provide almost instant mental clarity and focus in a convenient, healthy chewable tablet without the annoying jitters that accompany other alternatives. Voke is gaining popularity in the corporate world business travelers, in the gym and amongst students for providing a great solution to a universal issue of needing a quick pick-me-up without the usual side-effects.

Voke’s convenient tin fits easily into your pocket or purse and you can count on 3 hours of smooth energy after consuming just one tab.  Take a Voke® before important meetings or public speaking engagements for heightened mental focus and increased energy. This magical tablet is great for waking up in the morning, long commutes, road trips, air travel (helps you bounce back from jet lag), or staying strong through a workout.

Just how does it work? Voke® utilizes the Guarana Berry which is one of the world’s best natural sources for improving mental acuity. The unique combination of pure Guarana with a moderate amount of natural caffeine from Green Tea is what enables Voke® to deliver so much mental benefit without the jittery after effects. 

• Strong Mental Focus & Alertness
• Improved Short Term Memory
• Increased Mental & Physical Endurance
• Each tab contains 100% of your daily Vitamin C Antioxidants
• Beet Juice Antioxidants
• No Sugar, no artificial junk, no calories & no jitters or crash after affect

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