Tuesday, August 14, 2018

How to Incorporate Ancient Grains Into Our Daily Diets

You've probably heard of both Chia Seeds and Quinoa, but did you know where they come from? And did you know the variety of ways they can be used (i.e. Chia Seeds can be used as a egg replacement!)? BetterBody Foods makes it easy to get a hold of both these ancient grains, and they give tips on how, and why they should be a part of your daily diet. 

Several ancient grains were worshipped and used by many ancient civilizations, from the Aztecs to the Greeks and Egyptians.  Quinoa was called the "mother of all grains" and considered sacred by the Inca people. Chia seeds have been eaten for thousands of years in Central America starting with Aztec warriors who ate them before battle or running long distances. Runners would carry water and a pouch of chia seeds because they helped increase endurance.  

But how do we incorporate these mystical and magical products into our daily diets today? BetterBody Foods makes eating like an ancient warrior a breeze.  With their Organic Chia Seeds and Organic Quinoa, we can all channel the ancient Incas and treat our bodies like a temple!

BetterBody Foods Organic Chia Seeds: Did you know that chia seeds can be used in baking as an egg replacement? These magical little seeds are small in size, but they pack a punch in terms of nutritional value, texture, taste and versatility.  In fact, “chia” was the ancient word Mayans used for strength 
  • Just one serving of organic chia seeds gives you protein, fiber, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, thiamin and omega-3 fatty acids;
  • Because of all their fiber, chia seeds can absorb around 12 times their weight in water, which then gives you more sustained energy and helps you feel fuller longer;
  • Shake and bake — Shake some Organic Chia Seeds into your favorite muffin recipe or use as an egg replacement by mixing 1 Tbsp. Organic Chia Seeds with 3 Tbsp. water and let sit for 5 minutes.
  • Protein power — You'll find 2g of protein in every serving of Organic Chia Seeds. Add to your smoothie or juice. Sprinkle on yogurt, salad or cereal to add a nutritious boost.
  • Neutral Taste — Chia seeds are virtually tasteless and can be added to your favorite foods. For added texture and protein, add chia seeds to smoothies, oatmeal or yogurt for a satisfying snack.
  • Suitable for All Diets — This omega powerhouse supports all dietary restrictions considering they are gluten-free, vegan, nut-free, raw, low-carb and paleo-friendly.

Beauty. Goodness. Versatility. Flavor. Organic Quinoa really does have it all going on. Quinoa (keen-wah) has taken the world by storm because it takes on the flavors you cook it with, adds protein and fiber to any dish, and is easy to make. 

Quinoa has grown in Bolivia and the mountains of the Andes for thousands of years, acting as a staple food for indigenous people in South America. It didn’t appear in the United States until NASA discovered the superfood as they searched for a nutrient rich food to give astronauts on long space missions.
  •  Organic Quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids that your body needs every day
  • One serving of this delicious blend has calcium, iron and six grams of protein.
  • Quinoa is one of a few complete plant-based proteins. It contains all nine essential amino acids.
  • Use in place of rice, couscous or other grains. Great for salads, soups, breakfast and more. It’s a great choice for everything from hot cereals to dinner side dishes.
  • One serving of Organic Quinoa contains six grams of protein. Go ahead and power up!

BetterBody Foods believes that making better food choices contributes to a happy and healthy life. They are committed to providing the best organic and natural foods for cooking, baking, health and wellness. 

With ingredients that are sourced from top farms around the world, and BetterBody Food’s state of the art manufacturing facility (which has received a long list of certifications and awards) their goal is to teach their customers about how to use their revolutionary products to make powerful and healthy changes in their lives. 

Add these delicious and nutritious products to your daily eating routine and have confidence that you are putting only the best ingredients into your body.

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