Saturday, August 11, 2018

Vanguard’s All Cans on Deck Makes a Difference in the Community

Vanguard celebrated its 22nd annual two-week long “All Cans on Deck” food drive, which started June 13, and provided more than 2.3 million meals globally to local hunger relief agencies and non-profit organizations in the surrounding areas where our crew live and work (Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Arizona). Donations were gathered across Vanguard’s three domestic sites in the U.S., and in Pennsylvania, Vanguard crew donated more than 1.3 million meals to those in need. 

Vanguard’s annual All Cans on Deck food drive donated more than 2.3 million meals to local hunger relief agencies.

Through Vanguard’s All Cans on Deck food drive, the firm’s crew make a difference for those living in food insecurity by not just providing food, but by providing monetary donations that strengthen the buying power that agencies have for those items they need the most. 

At the ceremony, Carolyn Biondi, executive director of Arm in Arm, highlighted the importance of those donations, saying, “Credit donations allow us to fill in when we’re missing on certain food groups… but even more so, allow us to provide fresh food, which is so important.” This year, Vanguard crew donated nearly $500,000 to local agencies, which also received a company match from Vanguard—an increase in 20% from last year.

“I am proud to go to work each day with people who care about giving back,” said Vanguard CEO Tim Buckley. “While our economy continues to grow and we are in the tenth year of a bull market, not everyone has benefited. Our crew recognize that thousands of families in our communities go to bed hungry each night. We try to alleviate some of that food insecurity by funding over 2.3 million meals through local agencies.”

All Cans on Deck is one of the many programs in Vanguard’s extensive portfolio of Community Stewardship efforts.  This year, donations raised in Pennsylvania will go to the follow agency partners: Philabundance, the Food Bank of Delaware, the Chester County Food Bank, the Food Bank of South Jersey, Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities, Arm in Arm, SHARE Foods and the Salvation Army.

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