Monday, December 17, 2018

Stay Healthy this Holiday Season!

Flu Season is looming and it’s time to take a pro-active approach to your health.  According to WebMD, over 400,000 Americans are hospitalized each year due to the flu.  Here is a list of immunity building, germ blocking, flu fighting tips that will help you keep this pesky and dangerous illness at bay!

Take your Vitamins: Boost your natural immune system and protect against cell damage and free radicals with the All Natural Immune Gummy from Vitamin Friends.  

Propolis is rich in flavonoids, amino acids, vitamins and minerals which may help with the efficiency of the immune system.  

Echinacea is a centuries-old way to support immune system health.  Echinacea is especially popular during times of seasonal change.

Eat Healthy: Vegetables come loaded with fiber and nutrients and are some of the healthiest foods on the planet. 

Green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and cabbages are loaded with essential vitamins and antioxidants that boost immune system functioning. 

Scoop this convenient superfood hack from BetterBody Foods into your morning smoothie, sneak it into spaghetti sauce, stir it into yogurt for an easy way to make sure you are getting your daily dose of vegetables and superfoods!

Stay healthy to welcome 2019!

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